3 Reasons Wholesale Still Works Despite What You May Read Online

Brand Awareness—
Even if the store you have spoken to has met their budget and the buyer is not ready to make an order there are a number of other value adds for small independent brands trying to gain traction. Collaborating with a store to do a giveaway is a great option and allows the brand to gain a whole new following of people that could be immediately interested. Giveaways, product shoutouts, and social media campaigns are just a few of the ways you can get brand awareness from stores that aren’t exactly ready to place an order, but open to working together. -
Business cannot run without it. The healthy cash flow of your business ultimately helps you make better decisions and have accurate financial projections moving forward. It does this by giving you the freedom to make smart business choices and not putting the company at more risk. -
Networking & Relationships—
Retail is relational. Even if they cannot buy it this season, it does not mean that they’re not going to next season. You never want to count your chickens before they hatch. If you are pitching your small business to a store (big or small) always keep an open mind because the person you speak to maybe your next biggest fan. Get their contact info, ask if you can keep in touch, and then actually reach back out. It shows intention and that could close the deal.