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Brand Image As An Emotional Construct – Retail For The People

Brand Image As An Emotional Construct

Brand Image As An Emotional Construct

"Your brand image is primarily an emotional construct. Emotion is probably always more powerful in swaying people than reason, but people like to be able to rationalize their choices." - Drayton Bird

This quote highlights the significance of emotions in shaping a brand's image and how people's decisions are often driven by emotions, even though they may seek rational explanations for their choices.

Breaking Down the Quote:

  1. Brand Image as an Emotional Construct:

    • This implies that how people perceive and connect with a brand is largely influenced by emotions rather than purely rational factors.
    • Emotions such as joy, trust, excitement, or nostalgia play a significant role in forming an emotional bond with a brand.
  2. Emotion's Power in Decision-Making:

    • Emotions are often more powerful in influencing people's decisions than logical reasoning.
    • When people feel emotionally connected to a brand, they are more likely to engage with it, make repeat purchases, and become loyal advocates.
  3. The Role of Rationalization:

    • Despite being driven by emotions, people often seek rational explanations or justifications for their choices.
    • Rationalization helps individuals feel confident about their decisions and provides them with logical reasons to support their emotional preferences.

Explaining the Quote:

In essence, the quote suggests that while emotions are the primary drivers of brand perception and consumer decisions, people still like to have logical reasons to justify their choices. Here's how it works:

  • Emotion vs. Reason: Emotions often play a more significant role in swaying people's decisions than rational arguments. For example, a person may choose a particular brand of coffee because it reminds them of cozy mornings with loved ones (emotion), rather than its price or taste alone (reason).
  • Need for Rationalization: However, people also like to rationalize their decisions. They may cite factors like quality, price, or convenience to justify their emotional preferences. For instance, someone may justify buying a luxury handbag by pointing out its superior craftsmanship and durability.
  • Balancing Emotion and Reason: Successful brands understand this interplay between emotion and reason. They evoke positive emotions through storytelling, branding, and experiences while also providing logical reasons to support consumer choices, such as highlighting product features, benefits, or social proof. Which is why Jaguar's tagline is : Unleash a Jaguar.


In marketing, branding, and also retail, understanding the emotional drivers behind consumer behavior is crucial. While emotions are powerful in influencing decisions, providing logical reasoning can help reinforce consumers' emotional connections with a brand. By balancing emotional appeal with rational arguments, brands can create stronger, more meaningful connections with their audience. 

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