The LLBean Boat and Tote, originally introduced in 1944 as “Bean’s Ice Carrier” to haul ice from your car to your fridge, this bag has been loved by every generation since WWII.
The bag was introduced as a heavyweight canvas bag to solve the problem of lugging ice from place to place, but soon disappeared from the Bean catalog just one season later. This has though to be due to supply chain issues, but the Tote made its reappearance in 1965 remarketed as a nautical bag.

The appealing factor of the Boat and Tote is the perfect harmony between accessibility and fashion. The tote is crafted from the same materials utilized in conveyor belts and can hold up to 500 pounds. Each Tote is handcrafted with specific V-point closures to add durability and create a longlasting bag that can be passed down for decades.
The great part about the Boat and Tote is its timeless appeal. The bag can go from great-grandmother to great-grandson and still be used for the same purpose, as well as look just as good doing that same job. From a gym bag to a grocery tote to a school backpack, the Boat and Tote has been seen on arms of Gwenyth Paltrow, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Carolyn Bassette-Kennedy, all the way down to today’s more accessible influencer celebrities.
Part of the appeal of this simple bag is the personalized effect. In each package from LLBean, you receive a card that lets you know who handcrafted your bag and what date it was produced. They also do this with their boots, and it adds an incredibly personalized touch to each product you buy. Nowadays, a lot of buying experiences can feel incredibly removed. Even in a lot of retail situations, the products you purchase feel very inhuman even though humanity is an integral part in each creation that you buy, whether that be a shoe or a can of bug spray. LLBean doesn’t skip any step in ensuring that their workers are not only people, but they are well taken care of.
To the point of personalization, LLBean offers endless personalization options from a monogram to the ever-so-popular “Ironic Boat and Tote” (@ironicboatandtote,) popularized by Gracie Wiener, who has since come out with a collection with LLBean itself. Phrases such as “Fake Celine,” to “LL Frijol,” to “WTF,” to “MILF,” to “LOL NO,” to “anxious,” to “psycho” adorn different sizes and shapes of the bag and are now unicorns in the wild, prompting followers to snap a photo and share it with the class. These people have utilized the customization feature to a new creative level, allowing for a fun spin on the classic monogram or name on your bag, and taking it to showcase your personality and literally wear it on your sleeve.
Many of us have memories of this affordable, ultra-accessible bag in our childhood, or something like it. Although we went through the monogram trend and all quickly went against it, the “ironic” boat and tote trend combined with having something specially made for you establishes a connection that you have something personalized and made specifically to suit your needs and lifestyle.

Although we all have the same bag, the content of the bag differs and the statement on it differs, making each individual bag special. Thats the interesting part of a trend; although many trends unite a group together and create a world in which the trend exists, there are specific trends such as the Boat and Tote or the Birkin customization trend that allow people to go beyond the object and almost create a piece of art with it.
We are now so obsessed with what people carry in their bags, and have been for a while if you also grew up watching Vogue’s whats in my bag videos. People carry objects close to them because they hold meaning or value in their lives. Although certain objects are obvious, such as a wallet or keys, there are other items that are unique and sometimes strange, but they say so much about the person that holds them that it transcends an item and becomes a part of their personality.
The Boat and Tote will most likely stay in style for years to come, if not forever. My parents’ 25 year old Large Green Short Handle B&T is still going strong, and I’ve since accumulated a Medium Navy Zipper Top Long Handle, Small Natural Zipper Top Long Handle, and found a Small Open Top Long Handle in perfect condition for $5 at the thrift store. Although LLBean allows returns for monogrammed bags, which is extremely rare for a brand to do, which again, sets them apart from any other competition.

A visit to their factory store in Maine showcases some monograms like “ASS” or “BUT” or “FAT” that someone may not have thought through before ordering, or even before naming their child, but alas, they continue to create a sense of relevancy for LLBean and continues the cyclical nature of an incredible bag with a personalized touch that fits into every single person’s story.
About the Author: Ruby is a Content Creation Intern at Retail For The People. She is a Junior studying Advertising and Branding at Savannah College of Art and Design. Connect with her on Linkedin: LinkedIn.com/in/ruby-stockton